

Event types emitted by the embedded ThoughtSpot application.

To add an event listener use the corresponding LiveboardEmbed.on or AppEmbed.on or SearchEmbed.on method.

import { EmbedEvent } from '@thoughtspot/visual-embed-sdk';
// Or
// const { EmbedEvent } = window.tsembed;

// create the liveboard embed.

liveboardEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.Drilldown, (drilldown) => {
  console.log('Drilldown event', drilldown);

If you are using React components for embedding, you can register to any events from the EmbedEvent list by using the on<EventName> convention. For example,onAlert, onCopyToClipboard and so on.

// ...
const MyComponent = ({ dataSources }) => {
     const onLoad = () => {
     console.log(EmbedEvent.Load, {});

     return (
             onLoad = {logEvent("Load")}

Enumeration members🔗


ALL:= "*"

Emits all events.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.10.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.2.0.cl, 8.4.1.sw

appEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.ALL, payload => {
 console.log('Embed Events', payload)


AddRemoveColumns:= "addRemoveColumns"

One or more data columns have been selected.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.10.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.2.0.cl, 8.4.1.sw

returns : columnIds - the list of columns

appEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.AddRemoveColumns, payload => {
  console.log('AddRemoveColumns', payload);


AddToFavorites:= "addToFavorites"

Emitted when a user clicks on the Favorite icon on a Liveboard

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.15.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.7.0.cl, 8.8.1.sw

liveboardEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.AddToFavorites, payload => {
   console.log('favorites', payload);


Alert:= "alert"

The embedded object has sent an alert.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.1.0 | ThoughtSpot: ts7.may.cl, 8.4.1.sw

returns : alert - An alert object



AnswerChartSwitcher:= "answerChartSwitcher"

Emitted when an Answer is switched to a chart or table view.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.11.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.3.0.cl, 8.4.1.sw

searchEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.AnswerChartSwitcher, payload => {
   console.log('switch view', payload);


AnswerDelete:= "answerDelete"

Emitted when an Answer is deleted in the app

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.11.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.3.0.cl, 8.4.1.sw

//emit when action starts
appEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.AnswerDelete, payload => {
   console.log('delete answer', payload)}, {start: true })
//trigger when action is completed
appEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.AnswerDelete, payload => {
   console.log('delete answer', payload)})


AskSageInit:= "AskSageInit"

Emitted when the Ask Sage is initialized.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK : 1.29.0 | ThoughtSpot Cloud: 9.12.0.cl

returns : viewName: string

returns : viewId: string

returns : liveboardId: string

returns : isPublic: boolean


AuthExpire:= "ThoughtspotAuthExpired"

The ThoughtSpot authentication session has expired.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.4.0 | ThoughtSpot: ts7.sep.cl, 8.4.1.sw

appEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.AuthExpire, showAuthExpired)
//show auth expired banner
function showAuthExpired() {


AuthInit:= "authInit"

Authentication has either succeeded or failed.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.1.0 | ThoughtSpot: ts7.may.cl, 8.4.1.sw

appEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.AuthInit, payload => {
   console.log('AuthInit', payload);

returns : isLoggedIn - A Boolean specifying whether authentication was successful.


Cancel:= "cancel"

Emitted when a user clicks Cancel in edit mode on a Liveboard

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.15.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.7.0.cl, 8.8.1.sw



CopyAEdit:= "copyAEdit"

Emitted when the user creates a copy of an Answer.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.11.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.3.0.cl, 8.4.1.sw

//emit when action starts
appEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.CopyAEdit, payload => {
   console.log('Copy and edit', payload)}, {start: true })
//emit when action ends
appEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.CopyAEdit, payload => {
   console.log('Copy and edit', payload)})

CopyLink:= "embedDocument"

Emitted when a user clicks Copy link action on a visualization.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.15.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.7.0.cl, 8.8.1.sw

liveboardEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.CopyLink, {
  vizId: '730496d6-6903-4601-937e-2c691821af3c'})


CopyToClipboard:= "context-menu-item-copy-to-clipboard"

Emitted when a column value is copied in the embedded app.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.11.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.3.0.cl, 8.4.1.sw

seachEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.CopyToClipboard, payload => {
   console.log('copy to clipboard', payload);


CreateConnection:= "createConnection"

Emitted when a user updates a connection on the Data page

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK : 1.27.0 | ThoughtSpot: 9.8.0.cl, 9.8.0.sw


CreateLiveboard:= "createLiveboard"

Emitted when the liveboard is created from pin modal or Liveboard list page. You can use this event as a hook to trigger other events on liveboard creation.

liveboardEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.CreateLiveboard, (payload) => {
    console.log('payload', payload);

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK : 1.36.0 | ThoughtSpot : 10.8.0.cl


CreateWorksheet:= "createWorksheet"

Emitted when a user creates a Worksheet.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK : 1.27.0 | ThoughtSpot: 9.8.0.cl, 9.8.0.sw


CrossFilterChanged:= "cross-filter-changed"

Emitted when a user interacts with cross filters on a visualization or Liveboard.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.21.0 | ThoughtSpot: 9.2.0.cl, 9.5.0.sw

liveboardEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.CrossFilterChanged, {
   vizId: '730496d6-6903-4601-937e-2c691821af3c'})


CustomAction:= "customAction"

A custom action has been triggered.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.1.0 | ThoughtSpot: ts7.may.cl, 8.4.1.sw

returns : actionId - ID of the custom action

returns : payload CustomActionPayload - Response payload with the Answer or Liveboard data

appEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.customAction, payload => {
    const data = payload.data;
    if (data.id === 'insert Custom Action ID here') {
        console.log('Custom Action event:', data.embedAnswerData);


Data:= "data"

Data pertaining to an Answer or Liveboard is received

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.1.0 | ThoughtSpot: ts7.may.cl, 8.4.1.sw

returns : data - The Answer or Liveboard data

liveboardEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.Data, payload => {
   console.log('data', payload);


DataSourceSelected:= "dataSourceSelected"

One or more data sources have been selected.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.1.0 | ThoughtSpot: ts7.may.cl, 8.4.1.sw

returns : dataSourceIds - the list of data sources

searchEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.DataSourceSelected, payload => {
   console.log('DataSourceSelected', payload);


Delete:= "delete"

Emitted when a user clicks Delete on a visualization

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.15.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.7.0.cl, 8.8.1.sw

  {vizId: '730496d6-6903-4601-937e-2c691821af3c'})


DeletePersonalisedView:= "deletePersonalisedView"

Emitted when a PersonalisedView is deleted.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK : 1.26.0 | ThoughtSpot: 9.7.0.cl, 9.8.0.sw

returns : views: string[]

returns : liveboardId: string


DialogClose:= "dialog-close"

Emitted when any modal is closed in the app

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.6.0 | ThoughtSpot: ts8.nov.cl, 8.4.1.sw

appEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.DialogClose, payload => {
    console.log('dialog close', payload);


DialogOpen:= "dialog-open"

Emitted when any modal is opened in the app

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.6.0 | ThoughtSpot: ts8.nov.cl, 8.4.1.sw

appEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.DialogOpen, payload => {
   console.log('dialog open', payload);


Download:= "download"

Emitted when the download action is triggered on an Answer.

Note: This event is deprecated in v1.21.0. To fire an event when a download action is initiated on a chart or table, use EmbedEvent.DownloadAsPng, EmbedEvent.DownloadAsPDF, EmbedEvent.DownloadAsCSV, or EmbedEvent.DownloadAsXLSX

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.11.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.3.0.cl, 8.4.1.sw

liveboardEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.Download, {
vizId: '730496d6-6903-4601-937e-2c691821af3c'


DownloadAsCsv:= "downloadAsCsv"

Emitted when the Download as CSV action is triggered on an Answer.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.11.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.3.0.cl, 8.4.1.sw

//emit when action starts
searchEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.DownloadAsCSV, payload => {
  console.log('download CSV', payload)}, {start: true })
//emit when action ends
searchEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.DownloadAsCSV, payload => {
   console.log('download CSV', payload)})


DownloadAsPdf:= "downloadAsPdf"

Emitted when the Download as PDF action is triggered on an Answer

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.11.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.3.0.cl, 8.4.1.sw

//emit when action starts
searchEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.DownloadAsPdf, payload => {
  console.log('download PDF', payload)}, {start: true })
//emit when action ends
searchEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.DownloadAsPdf, payload => {
  console.log('download PDF', payload)})


DownloadAsPng:= "downloadAsPng"

Emitted when the download action is triggered on an Answer.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.21.0 | ThoughtSpot: 9.2.0.cl, 9.4.0.sw

//emit when action starts
searchEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.DownloadAsPng, payload => {
  console.log('download PNG', payload)}, {start: true })
//emit when action ends
searchEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.DownloadAsPng, payload => {
  console.log('download PNG', payload)})


DownloadAsXlsx:= "downloadAsXlsx"

Emitted when the Download as XLSX action is triggered on an Answer.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.11.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.3.0.cl, 8.4.1.sw

//emit when action starts
searchEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.DownloadAsXlsx, payload => {
  console.log('download Xlsx', payload)}, { start: true })
//emit when action ends
searchEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.DownloadAsXlsx, payload => {
  console.log('download Xlsx', payload)})


DrillExclude:= "context-menu-item-exclude"

Emitted when a user clicks the Exclude action to exclude a specific value or data on a chart or table

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.11.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.3.0.cl, 8.4.1.sw

appEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.DrillExclude, payload => {
    console.log('Drill exclude', payload);


DrillInclude:= "context-menu-item-include"

Emitted when a user clicks the Include action to include a specific value or data on a chart or table.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.11.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.3.0.cl, 8.4.1.sw

appEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.DrillInclude, payload => {
   console.log('Drill include', payload);


Drilldown:= "drillDown"

A drill-down operation has been performed.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.1.0 | ThoughtSpot: ts7.may.cl, 8.4.1.sw

returns : additionalFilters - Any additional filters applied

returns : drillDownColumns - The columns on which drill down was performed

returns : nonFilteredColumns - The columns that were not filtered

searchEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.DrillDown, {
   points: {
       selectedPoints: selectedPoint
   autoDrillDown: true,

In this example, VizPointDoubleClick event is used for triggering the DrillDown event when an area or specific data point on a table or chart is double-clicked.

searchEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.VizPointDoubleClick, (payload) => {
  const clickedPoint = payload.data.clickedPoint;
  const selectedPoint = payload.data.selectedPoints;
  console.log('>>> called', clickedPoint);
  embed.trigger(HostEvent.DrillDown, {
     points: {
         selectedPoints: selectedPoint
  autoDrillDown: true,


Edit:= "edit"

Emitted when a user clicks Edit on a Liveboard or visualization

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.15.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.7.0.cl, 8.8.1.sw

liveboardEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.Edit, payload => {
   console.log(`Liveboard edit', payload);


EditTML:= "editTSL"

Emitted when a user clicks the Edit TML action on an embedded Liveboard.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.11.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.3.0.cl, 8.4.1.sw

appEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.EditTML, payload => {
   console.log('Edit TML', payload);


Error:= "Error"

An error has occurred. This event is fired for the following error types:

API - API call failure error. FULLSCREEN - Error when presenting a Liveboard or visualization in full screen mode. SINGLE_VALUE_FILTER - Error due to multiple values in the single value filter. NON_EXIST_FILTER - Error due to a non-existent filter. INVALID_DATE_VALUE - Invalid date value error. INVALID_OPERATOR - Use of invalid operator during filter application.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.1.0 | ThoughtSpot: ts7.may.cl, 8.4.1.sw

returns : error - An error object or message

// API error
SearchEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.Error, (error) => {
 // { type: "Error", data: { errorType: "API", error: { message: '...', error: '...' } } }
// Fullscreen error (Errors during presenting of a liveboard)
LiveboardEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.Error, (error) => {
  // { type: "Error", data: { errorType: "FULLSCREEN", error: {
  //   message: "Fullscreen API is not enabled",
  //   stack: "..."
  // } }}


Explore:= "explore"

Emitted when a user clicks Explore on a visualization

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.15.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.7.0.cl, 8.8.1.sw

liveboardEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.Explore,  {
  vizId: '730496d6-6903-4601-937e-2c691821af3c'})


ExportTML:= "exportTSL"

Emitted when the Export TML action is triggered on an an embedded object in the app

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.11.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.3.0.cl, 8.4.1.sw

//emit when action starts
searchEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.ExportTML, payload => {
    console.log('Export TML', payload)}, { start: true })
//emit when action ends
searchEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.ExportTML, payload => {
    console.log('Export TML', payload)})


FilterChanged:= "filterChanged"

Emitted when a user changes any filter on a Liveboard. Returns filter type and name, column name and ID, and runtime filter details.

Defined in : types.ts

LiveboardEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.FilterChanged, (payload) => {
   console.log('payload', payload);

@version SDK: 1.23.0 | ThoughtSpot: 9.4.0.cl, 9.5.0.sw


GetDataClick:= "getDataClick"

Emitted when the Get Data action is initiated. Applicable to SearchBarEmbed only.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.19.0 | ThoughtSpot: 9.0.0.cl, 9.0.1.sw

 .then(data => {
 console.log('Answer Data:', data);


Init:= "init"

Rendering has initialized.

Defined in : types.ts

liveboardEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.Init, showLoader)
 //show a loader
function showLoader() {

returns : timestamp - The timestamp when the event was generated.


LiveboardInfo:= "pinboardInfo"

Emitted when a user clicks Show Liveboard details on a Liveboard

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.15.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.7.0.cl, 8.8.1.sw

liveboardEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.AnswerChartSwitcher, payload => {
   console.log('Liveboard details', payload);


LiveboardRendered:= "PinboardRendered"

Emitted when the Liveboard shell loads. You can use this event as a hook to trigger other events on the rendered Liveboard.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.9.1 | ThoughtSpot: 8.1.0.cl, 8.4.1.sw

liveboardEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.LiveboardRendered, payload => {
console.log('Liveboard is rendered', payload);

The following example shows how to trigger SetVisibleVizs event using LiveboardRendered embed event:

const embedRef = useEmbedRef();
const onLiveboardRendered = () => {
embed.trigger(HostEvent.SetVisibleVizs, ['viz1', 'viz2']);


Load:= "load"

The embed object container has loaded.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.1.0 | ThoughtSpot: ts7.may.cl, 8.4.1.sw

returns : timestamp - The timestamp when the event was generated.

liveboardEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.Load, hideLoader)
   //hide loader
function hideLoader() {


MakeACopy:= "makeACopy"

Emitted when a user clicks Make a copy on a Liveboard

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.15.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.7.0.cl, 8.8.1.sw

liveboardEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.MakeACopy, payload => {
   console.log(`Copy', payload);


NoCookieAccess:= "noCookieAccess"

Emitted when the embed does not have cookie access. This happens when Safari and other Web browsers block third-party cookies are blocked by default. NoCookieAccess can trigger.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.1.0 | ThoughtSpot: ts7.may.cl, 7.2.1.sw



OnBeforeGetVizDataIntercept:= "onBeforeGetVizDataIntercept"

This event can be emitted to intercept search execution initiated by the users and implement the logic to allow or restrict search execution. You can can also show custom error text if the search query must be restricted due to your application or business requirements.

Prerequisite: Set isOnBeforeGetVizDataInterceptEnabled to true for this embed event to get emitted.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK : 1.29.0 | ThoughtSpot : 10.3.0.cl

param: : payload

param: : responder Contains elements that lets developers define whether ThoughtSpot should run the search, and if not, what error message should be shown to the user.

execute: When execute returns true, the search will be run. When execute returns false, the search will not be executed.

error: Developers can customize the error message text when execute returns false using the error parameter in responder.

(payload, responder) => {
     data: {
         error: {
         //Provide a custom error message to explain to your end user
         //why their search did not run
         errorText: "This search query cannot be run.
         Please contact your administrator for more details."
(payload, responder) => {
const query = payload.data.data.answer.search_query
 data: {
     // returns true as long as the query does not include
     // both the 'sales' AND the 'county' column
     execute: !(query.includes("sales")&&query.includes("county")),
     error: {
     //Provide a custom error message to explain to your end user
     // why their search did not run, and which searches are accepted by your custom logic.
     errorText: "You can't use this query :" + query + ".
     The 'sales' measures can never be used at the 'county' level.
     Please try another measure, or remove 'county' from your search."


ParameterChanged:= "parameterChanged"

Emitted when parameter changes in an Answer or Liveboard.

liveboardEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.ParameterChanged, (payload) => {
    console.log('payload', payload);

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK : 1.29.0 | ThoughtSpot : 10.3.0.cl


Pin:= "pin"

Emitted when a user initiates the Pin action to add an Answer to a Liveboard.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.11.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.3.0.cl, 8.4.1.sw

//emit when action starts
searchEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.Pin, payload => {
   console.log('pin', payload)
}, {
start: true
//emit when action ends
searchEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.Pin, payload => {
   console.log('pin', payload)


Present:= "present"

Emitted when a user clicks Present on a Liveboard or visualization

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.15.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.7.0.cl, 8.8.1.sw

liveboardEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.Present, {
  vizId: '730496d6-6903-4601-937e-2c691821af3c'})


QueryChanged:= "queryChanged"

Search query has been updated by the user.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.4.0 | ThoughtSpot: ts7.sep.cl, 8.4.1.sw

searchEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.QueryChanged, payload => console.log('data', payload))


Rename:= "rename"

Emitted when a Liveboard or visualization is renamed.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK : 1.28.0 | ThoughtSpot: 9.10.5.cl, 10.1.0.sw


ResetLiveboard:= "resetLiveboard"

Emitted when a Liveboard is reset.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK : 1.26.0 | ThoughtSpot: 9.7.0.cl, 9.8.0.sw

returns : viewName: string

returns : viewId: string

returns : liveboardId: string

returns : isPublic: boolean


RouteChange:= "ROUTE_CHANGE"

Detects the route change.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.7.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.0.0.cl, 8.4.1.sw

searchEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.RouteChange, payload =>
   console.log('data', payload))


SageEmbedQuery:= "sageEmbedQuery"

Emitted when a user clicks the Go button to initiate a Natural Language Search query

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK : 1.26.0 | ThoughtSpot: 9.7.0.cl, 9.8.0.sw


SageWorksheetUpdated:= "sageWorksheetUpdated"

Emitted when a user selects a data source on the embedded Natural Language Search interface.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK : 1.26.0 | ThoughtSpot: 9.7.0.cl, 9.8.0.sw


Save:= "save"

Emitted when an Answer is saved in the app

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.11.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.3.0.cl, 8.4.1.sw

//Emit when action starts
 searchEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.Save, payload => {
   console.log('Save', payload)
 }, {
   start: true
//emit when action ends
searchEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.Save, payload => {
   console.log('Save', payload)


SaveAsView:= "saveAsView"

Emitted when an Answer is saved as a View.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.11.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.3.0.cl, 8.4.1.sw

appEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.SaveAsView, payload => {
   console.log('View', payload);


SavePersonalisedView:= "savePersonalisedView"

Emitted when a Personalised view is saved.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK : 1.26.0 | ThoughtSpot: 9.7.0.cl, 9.8.0.sw

returns : viewName: string

returns : viewId: string

returns : liveboardId: string

returns : isPublic: boolean


Schedule:= "subscription"

Emitted when a user clicks Schedule on a Liveboard

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.15.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.7.0.cl, 8.8.1.sw

liveboardEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.Schedule, payload => {
   console.log(`Liveboard schedule', payload);


SchedulesList:= "schedule-list"

Emitted when a user clicks Manage schedules on a Liveboard

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.15.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.7.0.cl, 8.8.1.sw



Share:= "share"

Emitted when a user shares an object with another user or group

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.11.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.3.0.cl, 8.4.1.sw

//emit when action starts
searchEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.Share, payload => {
   console.log('Share', payload)
}, {
start: true
//emit when action ends
searchEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.Share, payload => {
  console.log('Share', payload)


ShowUnderlyingData:= "showUnderlyingData"

Emitted when a user clicks Show underlying data on an Answer.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.11.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.3.0.cl, 8.4.1.sw

liveboardEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.ShowUnderlyingData, payload => {
   console.log('show data', payload);


SpotIQAnalyze:= "spotIQAnalyze"

Emitted when SpotIQ analysis is triggered

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.11.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.3.0.cl, 8.4.1.sw

//emit when action starts
searchEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.SpotIQAnalyze, payload => {
  console.log('SpotIQAnalyze', payload)
}, {
start: true
//emit when action ends
searchEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.SpotIQAnalyze, payload => {
  console.log('SpotIQ analyze', payload)


TableVizRendered:= "TableVizRendered"

Emitted when the table viz renders. You can use this event as a hook to trigger other events on the rendered table viz data.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.35.12 | ThoughtSpot: 10.7.0.cl

searchEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.TableVizRendered, (payload) => {
      const columnDataLite = payload.data.data.columnDataLite;
      columnDataLite[0].dataValue[0]="new fob";
      console.log('>>> new Data', columnDataLite);
      searchEmbed.trigger(HostEvent.TransformTableVizData, columnDataLite);


UpdateConnection:= "updateConnection"

Emitted when a user updates a connection on the Data page

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK : 1.27.0 | ThoughtSpot: 9.8.0.cl, 9.8.0.sw


UpdatePersonalisedView:= "updatePersonalisedView"

Emitted when name, status (private or public) or filter values of a Personalised view is updated.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK : 1.26.0 | ThoughtSpot: 9.7.0.cl, 9.8.0.sw

returns : viewName: string

returns : viewId: string

returns : liveboardId: string

returns : isPublic: boolean


UpdateTML:= "updateTSL"

Emitted when a user clicks the Update TML action on embedded Liveboard.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.11.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.3.0.cl, 8.4.1.sw



VizPointClick:= "vizPointClick"

Listen to clicks on a visualization in a Liveboard or Search result.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.11.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.3.0.cl, 8.4.1.sw

returns : viz, clickedPoint - metadata about the point that is clicked

embed.on(EmbedEvent.VizPointClick, ({data}) => {
   data.vizId, // viz id


VizPointDoubleClick:= "vizPointDoubleClick"

Listen to double click actions on a visualization.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.5.0 | ThoughtSpot: ts7.oct.cl, 7.2.1

returns : ContextMenuInputPoints - Data point that is double-clicked

livebaordEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.VizPointDoubleClick, payload => {
     console.log('VizPointDoubleClick', payload);


VizPointRightClick:= "vizPointRightClick"

Emitted when a user right clicks on a visualization (chart or table)

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.21.0 | ThoughtSpot: 9.2.0.cl, 9.5.0.sw

LiveboardEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.VizPointRightClick, payload => {
   console.log('VizPointClick', payload)