API endpoint | Available from |
| ThoughtSpot Cloud ts7.may.cl |
| ThoughtSpot Cloud ts7.may.cl |
| ThoughtSpot Cloud 10.1.0.cl |
The TML API endpoints allow you to programmatically export, validate, and import scriptable ThoughtSpot Modeling Language (TML) files. You can use these API endpoints to automate the change management and deployment processes between your development and production environments. With TML API, you can easily migrate your ThoughtSpot content from one environment to another by automating the entire change management process and thereby reducing the risk of human error.
Supported operationsπ
Import TMLπ
To import TML representation of objects into ThoughtSpot, use the /tspublic/v1/metadata/tml/import
API endpoint.
Resource URLπ
POST /tspublic/v1/metadata/tml/import
Request parametersπ
Form parameter | Description | Default |
| String. An If in YAML format within the JSON array, use escape characters for YAML quotes, and new line characters when there is a new line. For example:
| None |
| String. Policy to follow during import. The allowed values are:
| Boolean. Specifies if you are updating or creating objects. To create new objects, specify By default, ThoughtSpot updates the existing objects that have the same GUID as the objects you are importing. When set to |
| Boolean. Specify if import operation must be run for all Orgs on your instance. Requires Org administration privileges to access TML objects across all Orgs. |
| Boolean. Skips Cloud Data Warehouse validation for table TML imports. |
| Boolean. Skips diff check before processing TMLs for imports. |
Example requestπ
Make sure the API request has the Accept: text/plain
curl -X POST /
--header 'Accept: text/plain' /
--header 'X-Requested-By: ThoughtSpot' --data-urlencode 'import_objects=[{
"guid": "12289fad-f230-485e-8c65-e36082eebf44",
"answer": {
"name": "Basic Answer 1",
"description": "This is basic answer with table and headline visualizations.",
"tables": [{
"id": "LINEORDER",
"name": "LINEORDER",
"fqn": "2445fe81-30d6-46fa-9f42-f6b1b4e01623"
}, {
"id": "PART",
"name": "PART",
"fqn": "a7fc012e-bdb3-4e75-9ce4-b3f731d90136"
"search_query": "[LINEORDER_1::Revenue] [PART_1::Color]",
"answer_columns": [{
"name": "Total Revenue"
}, {
"name": "Color"
"table": {
"table_columns": [{
"column_id": "Color",
"headline_aggregation": "COUNT_DISTINCT"
}, {
"column_id": "Total Revenue",
"headline_aggregation": "SUM"
"ordered_column_ids": ["Color", "Total Revenue"]
"chart": {
"type": "COLUMN",
"chart_columns": [{
"column_id": "Total Revenue"
}, {
"column_id": "Color"
"axis_configs": [{
"x": ["Color"],
"y": ["Total Revenue"]
"display_mode": "TABLE_MODE"
--data-urlencode 'import_policy=PARTIAL'
--data-urlencode 'force_create=true'
Request URL
Example responseπ
"object": [
"response": {
"status": {
"status_code": "OK"
"header": {
"id_guid": "a09a3787-e546-42cb-888f-c17260dd1229",
"name": "Basic Answer 1",
"description": "This is basic answer with table and headline visualizations.",
"author_guid": "59481331-ee53-42be-a548-bd87be6ddd4a",
"owner_guid": "a09a3787-e546-42cb-888f-c17260dd1229",
"metadata_type": "QUESTION_ANSWER_BOOK"
Response codesπ
HTTP status code | Description |
200 | Successful import of the TML object representations |
400 | Bad request |
401 | Unauthorized or wrong credentials |
403 | Forbidden - incorrect permissions |
404 | Not found |
500 | Internal server error |
Export TMLπ
To export TML objects, use the /tspublic/v1/metadata/tml/export
API endpoint.
Resource URLπ
POST /tspublic/v1/metadata/tml/export
Request parametersπ
Form parameter | Description | Default |
| String. JSON array of the IDs of objects to export. An For example:
| None |
| String. The format in which to export the objects. Valid values are |
| Boolean. Specifies if you would like to export the associated objects. To export the objects associated with the objects specified in |
| Boolean. When set to |
| String. Specifies the schema version to use during TML export.
By default, the API request uses v1 schema for Worksheets. If you are using Models, set |
| Boolean. Specifies if the Tables of the referenced Connection object must be included in the export. |
| Boolean. Specifies if a connection object must be included as a dependent object when exporting a Table, Worksheet, Answer, or Liveboard TML. This parameter is considered only when |
| Boolean. Specifies if the export request is sent from all Orgs context. Applicable to Orgs-enabled instances only. |
Example requestπ
Make sure the API request has the Accept: text/plain
curl -X POST
--header 'Accept: text/plain' \
--header 'X-Requested-By: ThoughtSpot' \
--data-urlencode 'export_ids=["12289fad-f230-485e-8c65-e36082eebf44"]' \
--data-urlencode 'formattype=JSON' \
--data-urlencode 'export_associated=false' \
--data-urlencode 'export_fqn=true' \
Request URL
Example responseπ
"name":"Total sales",
"filename":"Total sales.pinboard.tml",
"edoc":"{\"guid\": \"bf3b1f36-b96e-4aa7-b619-b7743c8bd15c\",\"liveboard\": {\"name\": \"Total sales\",\"visualizations\": [{\"id\": \"Viz_1\",\"answer\": {\"name\": \"Total sales by store\",\"tables\": [{\"id\": \"(Sample) Retail - Apparel\",\"name\": \"(Sample) Retail - Apparel\",\"fqn\": \"cd252e5c-b552-49a8-821d-3eadaa049cca\"}],\"search_query\": \"[sales] [store] [state]\",\"answer_columns\": [{\"name\": \"state\"},{\"name\": \"store\"},{\"name\": \"Total sales\"}],\"table\": {\"table_columns\": [{\"column_id\": \"store\",\"show_headline\": false},{\"column_id\": \"state\",\"show_headline\": false},{\"column_id\": \"Total sales\",\"show_headline\": false}],\"ordered_column_ids\": [\"store\",\"state\",\"Total sales\"],\"client_state\": \"\",\"client_state_v2\": \"{\\\"tableVizPropVersion\\\": \\\"V1\\\"}\"},\"chart\": {\"type\": \"GEO_AREA\",\"chart_columns\": [{\"column_id\": \"store\"},{\"column_id\": \"state\"},{\"column_id\": \"Total sales\"}],\"axis_configs\": [{\"x\": [\"state\"],\"y\": [\"Total sales\"]}],\"client_state\": \"\",\"client_state_v2\": \"{\\\"version\\\": \\\"V4DOT2\\\",\\\"chartProperties\\\": {\\\"mapviewport\\\": {\\\"center\\\": [-1.0815372462017208E7,4944187.994859374],\\\"zoomLevel\\\": 5.140063818579165},\\\"responsiveLayoutPreference\\\": \\\"AUTO_ON\\\",\\\"chartSpecific\\\": {}},\\\"axisProperties\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"be5fe824-1a94-4fc4-88f6-501198708122\\\",\\\"properties\\\": {\\\"axisType\\\": \\\"Y\\\",\\\"linkedColumns\\\": [\\\"Total sales\\\"],\\\"isOpposite\\\": false}},{\\\"id\\\": \\\"474621ab-c78c-496f-aa71-8de82a5a1af4\\\",\\\"properties\\\": {\\\"axisType\\\": \\\"X\\\",\\\"linkedColumns\\\": [\\\"state\\\"]}}],\\\"systemSeriesColors\\\": [{\\\"serieName\\\": \\\"Total sales\\\",\\\"color\\\": \\\"#48D1E0\\\"}],\\\"systemMultiColorSeriesColors\\\": [{\\\"serieName\\\": \\\"Total sales\\\",\\\"colorMap\\\": [{\\\"serieName\\\": \\\"state\\\",\\\"color\\\": [\\\"#ffffb2\\\",\\\"#fddd87\\\",\\\"#fba35d\\\",\\\"#f75534\\\",\\\"#f9140a\\\",\\\"#d70315\\\",\\\"#b10026\\\"]}]}]}\"},\"display_mode\": \"CHART_MODE\"}},{\"id\": \"Viz_2\",\"answer\": {\"name\": \"Total sales by store\",\"tables\": [{\"id\": \"(Sample) Retail - Apparel\",\"name\": \"(Sample) Retail - Apparel\",\"fqn\": \"cd252e5c-b552-49a8-821d-3eadaa049cca\"}],\"search_query\": \"[sales] [store] [quantity purchased]\",\"answer_columns\": [{\"name\": \"store\"},{\"name\": \"Total quantity purchased\"},{\"name\": \"Total sales\"}],\"table\": {\"table_columns\": [{\"column_id\": \"store\",\"show_headline\": false},{\"column_id\": \"Total sales\",\"show_headline\": false},{\"column_id\": \"Total quantity purchased\",\"show_headline\": false}],\"ordered_column_ids\": [\"store\",\"Total sales\",\"Total quantity purchased\"],\"client_state\": \"\",\"client_state_v2\": \"{\\\"tableVizPropVersion\\\": \\\"V1\\\"}\"},\"chart\": {\"type\": \"COLUMN\",\"chart_columns\": [{\"column_id\": \"store\"},{\"column_id\": \"Total sales\"},{\"column_id\": \"Total quantity purchased\"}],\"axis_configs\": [{\"x\": [\"store\"],\"y\": [\"Total sales\",\"Total quantity purchased\"]}],\"client_state\": \"\",\"client_state_v2\": \"{\\\"version\\\": \\\"V4DOT2\\\",\\\"chartProperties\\\": {\\\"responsiveLayoutPreference\\\": \\\"AUTO_ON\\\",\\\"chartSpecific\\\": {}},\\\"axisProperties\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"6cac31dc-bf75-4e9e-ab96-422053d913cd\\\",\\\"properties\\\": {\\\"axisType\\\": \\\"Y\\\",\\\"linkedColumns\\\": [\\\"Total sales\\\"],\\\"isOpposite\\\": false}},{\\\"id\\\": \\\"5f5971ce-7e5f-48a0-9ba4-2c376699f64c\\\",\\\"properties\\\": {\\\"axisType\\\": \\\"Y\\\",\\\"linkedColumns\\\": [\\\"Total quantity purchased\\\"],\\\"isOpposite\\\": true}},{\\\"id\\\": \\\"23799dc2-3d6c-4da1-9d1b-e1dba0e5cc00\\\",\\\"properties\\\": {\\\"axisType\\\": \\\"X\\\",\\\"linkedColumns\\\": [\\\"store\\\"]}}],\\\"systemSeriesColors\\\": [{\\\"serieName\\\": \\\"Total sales\\\",\\\"color\\\": \\\"#48D1E0\\\"},{\\\"serieName\\\": \\\"Total quantity purchased\\\",\\\"color\\\": \\\"#2E75F0\\\"}],\\\"systemMultiColorSeriesColors\\\": [{\\\"serieName\\\": \\\"Total sales\\\",\\\"colorMap\\\": [{\\\"serieName\\\": \\\"a3882487-1509-4b13-8430-2e91d511a865\\\",\\\"color\\\": [\\\"#ffffb2\\\",\\\"#fddd87\\\",\\\"#fba35d\\\",\\\"#f75534\\\",\\\"#f9140a\\\",\\\"#d70315\\\",\\\"#b10026\\\"]}]}]}\"},\"display_mode\": \"CHART_MODE\"}}]}}"
Response codesπ
HTTP status code | Description |
200 | Successful TML export operation |
400 | Bad request |
401 | Unauthorized - wrong credentials |
403 | Forbidden - incorrect permissions |
404 | Not found |
500 | Internal server error |
Export TML objects in bulkπ
To export TML objects in a batch, use the /tspublic/v1/metadata/tml/export/batch
API endpoint. This API operation supports exporting User, User Group, and Role objects only.
Resource URLπ
POST /tspublic/v1/metadata/tml/export
Request parametersπ
Form parameter | Description | Default |
| Integer. Exports the specified number of objects in a single API request. A batch size of up to 200 objects is allowed for a single API operation. |
| Integer. Offsets the API response by the specified number. Batch offset value defines the starting position of the records for the results returned by the API. |
| String. Type of the metadata object to export. Use one of the following values:
| βNoneβ |
| Boolean. Specify if you want to export the dependent objects. For example, user groups to which user objects are assigned or sub-groups of a user group. However, to get full details of the dependent objects, the API call initiator must have view or edit access to the dependent object. |
| String. Format of the TML content. You can export TML data in JSON or YAML format. |
| Boolen. Specifies if the TML data should be sent from the all Org context. |
Example requestπ
Make sure the API request has the following header:
Accept: text/plain
curl -X POST
--header 'Accept: text/plain' \
--header 'X-Requested-By: ThoughtSpot' \
--data-urlencode 'export_ids=["12289fad-f230-485e-8c65-e36082eebf44"]' \
--data-urlencode 'formattype=JSON' \
--data-urlencode 'export_associated=false' \
--data-urlencode 'export_fqn=true' \
curl -X POST \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--header 'Accept: text/plain' \
-d 'batch_size=20&batch_offset=0&metadata_type=USER&export_dependent=false&edoc_format=JSON&all_orgs_override=false' \
Example responseπ
"data": {
"result": [
"info": {
"name": "TestUserA",
"id": "54a1dd6f-d201-4be3-8896-6f327ea0b5d9",
"type": "user",
"status": {
"status_code": "OK"
"info": {
"name": "TestUserB",
"id": "1d598cc5-59c6-474b-8c3f-078909650a4a",
"type": "user",
"status": {
"status_code": "OK"
"batch_offset": "0",
"batch_size": 2,
"isLastBatch": false
Response codesπ
HTTP status code | Description |
200 | Successful TML export operation |
400 | Bad request |
401 | Unauthorized - wrong credentials |
403 | Forbidden - incorrect permissions |
404 | Not found |
500 | Internal server error |